Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back in the saddle, baby!

It's been a while since I last posted, so I figure with summer around the corner I'd get back into the swing of things. I would like to discuss the importance of your BELIEF SYSTEM and how it affects your reality on this plane of existence that we call Earth.

I know that much has been discussed about this topic and many of you who are new to the game are probably not familiar with it, but it is an essential part of your journey, if not the most important part.

The top 3 reasons, in my opinion, why guys aren't successful women are…
1) Too much chasing.
2) Too much selling of yourself to the woman and seeking approval
3) Lack of belief in yourself

I'll elaborate on each...

Too much chasing. What I mean by too much chasing is that we as men tend to PUSH too much. We PUSH for the phone number, PUSH for the date, PUSH for getting her to return phone calls, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH. Don’t chase and don’t push. Be casual and relaxed in your interactions with women. Don't make it a life-or-death struggle. Your behavior must be that of a man who isn't OUTCOME DEPENDANT. You must behave as if you have an abundance of women in your life. Whether the woman wants to be with you or not should have little or no effect on your feelings of self-worth. Continue to live your live happily, have other interesting and exciting things going on in your life OTHER than picking up women, keep your physical presentation tight (style, dress, speech), and you will attract women. You must remember that attracting women is a CONSEQUENCE of being great yourself, and not the other way around.

Too much selling of yourself to the woman and seeking approval. Guys, we are all HUMAN BEINGS and we are all ONE. We are not seperate. The beautiful woman sitting across the room from you with the sexy body and sophisticated look IS NOT BETTER THAN YOU. She is spirit trapped inside of a body computer, just like you and everyone else on this earth. She has fears, foibles, insecurities, dreams, and desires, just like you. She eats, sleeps, shits, and is trying to get by in this world, just like you are. Do not place her on a pedestal simply because of her outward appearance - and I don't mean this in an arrogant or condescending way. By putting her on a pedestal you are giving her respect that she may or may not be worthy of. You haven't even talked to the girl yet, so why are you placing her above you? Embrace the worthiness of your soul and who you are, don't repudiate it. You have value - you just don't realize it yet. Also, remember that LOOKS FADE. If you DO get with her, and you've been with her for a while, you won't notice her looks as much anymore - only her INNER BEING will show through.

Lack of belief in yourself. When we are born, we are geniuses. We are geniuses because we are FREE. Our beliefs are WIDE OPEN and so is the world. As we age, our beliefs are shut down by outside influences. We start to adopt this notion of "I can't", which for the most part is bullshit. Your LIFE is shaped by your BELIEFS. If you were a computer, your BELIEFS are the SOFTWARE. Your beliefs tell you what to do and what not to do. Think of something that you already BELIEVE that you can do. Now, translate that over to success with women. If you BELIEVE that women want to be a part of your life, then it WILL happen. If you have ANY reservations deep down in your soul that you're not worthy, then that belief will lock itself in your physical body at the cellular level and will trasmit that to the world, and people WILL pick up on it. Have you ever heard a woman say about a guy...

"There's something about him. I can't put a finger on it."

She can't articulate what she feels, but I'll clarify it here - it's your ENERGY. Your energy comes from your BODY and your BODY consists of CELLS and those CELLS are affected by your THOUGHTS. I'm not going to get too deep into this, but this knowledge is essential for you to get to the next level . If you don't believe in yourself deep down in the core of your being, women WILL sense it. I guarantee it. I have the solution for you to change that, so let's get started and make this a turning point in your life!

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